Download Hexagon Ncsimul Composites


NC SIMULATION experience now focused on COMPOSITES

With NCSIMUL Machine Composites, make your 3D material lay-up simulation smarter, more realistic and more efficient.
NCSIMUL Machine Composites allows realistically and efficiently material lay-up simulation, according to different methods: fiber positioning (filaments or ribbons) or filament winding, with automatic collection of machining simulation data (e.g. 3D, cycle time, and cutting conditions, laid-up fiber length...).

  • Taking into account the initial media, the already laid material and the roller position
  • Precize & independent positioning of each fiber in ribbon
  • Cutting control for each fiber
  • Powerful viewing of the full model of the final part (with selective, layer-by-layer display)
  • Measurement of laid-up plies: ply thickness, angle and distance between ribbons

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