Avaya Solutions for Healthcare Payers

Composable, Scalable Healthcare Payer Experiences for Every Member

The right cloud-based, healthcare-ready solutions deliver personalized experiences for your members, member services, other employees, and partners—without disrupting your IT team, employee productivity, or member relationship systems



Deliver Contextual Connections

Make interactions seamless and intuitive by leveraging history, data, and useful self-help options.

Give Your Team Superpowers

Enable your member services team to solve problems in the moment. Access your extended care community to bring in the right resource at the right time.

Focus Services on Better Outcomes

Automate proactive reminders and follow-up video or phone calls. Provide supportive services that address social barriers and ongoing patient provide in-the-moment responsiveness to the unique and complex needs of your customers and employees.

Make it Always Secure

Establish your organization as a trusted resource. Integrate member services with your identity verification and authentication methods like facial biometrics or native-language processing.

Keep Supporting Remote Workers

Make working from anywhere a permanent option. Done right, you can cut costs and lift employee satisfaction.

Create Your Strategic Advantage

Attract talent and maintain loyalty by adopting a tech-first mindset and building the ecosystem to match.

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