Accelerate Success With ThingWorx IIoT Solutions Platform

Remove your barriers to digital transformation with ThingWorx, the IIoT platform purpose-built to address your business challenges.

Build a better IIoT solution with ThingWorx

Industrial companies face pressing challenges that require IIoT solutions. To address a wide range of manufacturing, service, and engineering use cases, PTC has spent years innovating the ThingWorx IIoT platform.

From service to workforce efficiency and asset optimization, ThingWorx solves common challenges across different industries.

Because building Industrial IoT solutions is often cited as a pain point, ThingWorx is designed to reduce these barriers. Cruise from pilots to enterprise-scale solutions, using pre-built applications and developer tools.


Maximize Your IIoT Potential

ThingWorx simultaneously removes the technical barriers to IIoT implementation, while emphasizing practical solutions that quickly return value.

  1. Maximize Revenue
    Kepware provides data access for industrial client applications (such as MES and SCADA) and IoT (Internet of Things) and big data analytics software via OPC, proprietary protocols, and IT protocols.
  2. Accelerate Innovation
    Kepware optimizes communications and reduces network and device load via data conditioning and reduction, and protocol-specific optimization.
  3. Reduce Costs
    Kepware drivers support a broad range of protocols found in various verticals, wired and wireless networks, databases, custom software applications, and OPC servers.
  4.  Improve Quality
    Kepware simplifies connected application configuration by providing a single point of entry to all information—eliminating the need for multiple solutions for discrete connectivity.
  5. Maximize Flexibility
    Kepware offers tools to control user server access, data source, or data values, regulate read/write access, connect or disconnect client applications, and configure secure data tunnels.
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