
Simple Security for the Connected World

Atsign provides you with the building blocks for innovative Networking 2.0 experiences



About Us

Atsign is a team of diverse, distributed, and dedicated people. Our open-source technology provides the building blocks for Networking 2.0, where everything is addressable, there is clear data ownership and control, contextual responses are easy, and everything is inherently private and cryptographically secure. There are several products already using Networking 2.0 technology, including SSH No Ports, atmospherePro, atkrypto, and atBuzz.

AtSign's Solutions

Imagine & Build
Imagine & Build

With Atsign’s at Protocol® and open source SDKs, you can create decentralized digital experiences with privacy and security already built in.

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Internet of Thing
Internet of Thing

Atsign’s SDK lets you quickly create Networking 2.0 products and services for you and your customers. Enjoy the benefits of simplified security and access, and experience new degrees of freedom.

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Networking 2.0
Networking 2.0

Informed AI is a new way of thinking about AI incorporating large data sets, establishing ground truth (through intelligent tagging) and leveraging real-world production data.

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