The IQ FLEX flatbed scanner is ideal for fragile originals, book scanning, textiles and artwork you would like to transform into digital content. Suitable for use by artists, colleges, designers, archivists, agencies, repro shops, textiles, furniture, construction and in engineering
Operate the entire scan process directly from the built-in controller
Scan delicate originals by placing them gently on the glass plate and closing the top-lid
IQ FLEX is the only Wi-Fi enabled large format flatbed scanner available today
Oversize Scanning
You can scan documents larger than the scan glass area. Actually up to A1/D-size.
Sharp Images
Optical resolution up to 1200 dpi.
Scan via Ethernet, Wi-Fi or send files directly to your USB memory stick.
Choose your cloud
Scan easily to Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive and
Book scanning mode
Easy-to-use book scanning mode with page split and spine fold elimination.
The IQ FLEX flatbed scanner is ideal for fragile originals, book scanning, textiles and artwork you would like to transform into digital content. Suitable for use by artists, colleges, designers, archivists, agencies, repro shops, textiles, furniture, construction and in engineering
This flatbed scanner also works for architects, engineers and any other technical professional. Simply because it makes their workdays easier when handling large drawings and working with CAD.