
Scalable observability for network and application performance.

Generate high-performance telemetry for network and application performance analysis and real-time packet analysis for detailed troubleshooting when existing data is not enough.


Scalable observability for network and application performance.

LiveWire Delivers:

  • Telemetry data from network packets from virtually anywhere in the network – physical and virtual LiveWire appliances
  • Detailed network and application performance data not prepared from traditional data sources like NetFlow, SNMP, or APIs
  • An easy transition from high-level monitoring to detailed packet analysis to quickly isolate root cause without being a “packet head”
  • Seamless integration with LiveNX and ThreatEye for comprehensive NPM, NDR, and root-cause analysis

What you could do better with LiveWire

Network telemetry and packet capture

Generate telemetry for monitoring and capture packets from anywhere.

LiveWire is the only solution designed to collect and process the data that network engineers need – both network telemetry and network packets. LiveWire amalgamated with LiveNX to extend network monitoring and application troubleshooting to remote sites and branches, the WAN edge (including SD-WAN), data centers, and the cloud. When telemetry data is not enough to solve complex problems, easily transition from monitoring to packet-level forensics and back using LiveNX as your single pane of glass.

Eliminate Blind Spots

Protect every physical and virtual inch of your network.

Network monitoring systems depend on telemetry from network infrastructure devices like switches and routers to serve dashboards and analysis. But telemetry is not available everywhere, creating blind spots, especially at remote sites, virtual environments, and in the cloud. LiveWire provides NetOps teams with the same in-depth level of analytics over these locations as they do for physical networks.

Identify Application Issues

Quickly pinpoint performance issues.

By creating unrivaled telemetry from packet data, LiveWire creates a level of intelligence not found in other NPM solutions. LiveNX leverages this rich packet-based telemetry to quickly identify and resolve application issues, such as VoIP and video performance problems, using hop-by-hop visualizations, often without the need for deeper analysis. And with LiveWire, the network packets are always available should deeper analysis be required.

Forensic-Level Analysis

Go from network monitoring to packet-level forensic analysis.

With LiveWire, telemetry data be produced directly from packets serves more detail than typical telemetry data from NetFlow or other flow-based standards, adding to the rich network monitoring data that already exists in LiveNX. LiveWire and LiveNX make it easy to transition from packets to network monitoring data and back to packets for detailed analysis when needed, all from a single network monitoring dashboard.

Minimal Performance Impact

Fix traffic performance without leaving a trace.

By using a network tap or bridge to mirror traffic, LiveWire monitors packet data without impacting the performance of production network traffic, which can frequently be a problem with network infrastructure devices. LiveWire also optimizes packet storage with proficient packet capture, automatically detecting encrypted traffic and retaining only packet headers when enabled. Why store data you can’t decrypt?

Security Incident Response

Resolve security incidents with the help of rich packet data.

For security incident response, there’s nothing more valuable than the packets. LiveWire provides a recording of all activity – the network packets – to help decide both the fingerprint and the extent of a breach. A recording of the packets is unalterable proof of what occurred on the network before, during, and after an intrusion is detected. In addition, LiveWire generates telemetry for LiveAction’s network detection and reaction solution, ThreatEye, which provides powerful, encrypted traffic analysis for network security professionals.

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